Thursday, November 30, 2006

Insight into the European Union's Capital

Having taken the train from Paris the one and only time I'd been to Brussels before, I had my first encounter of the international airport yesterday.

Whereas navigating other airports is usually from a straightforward point A to point B, I had to walk through a confusing labyrinth of corridors and channels going up and going down, left, right, left again--with the aid of ambiguous and conflicting directional arrows. I had a sense that the airport wasn't that big but with the time it took me to get around, I may have travelled its length and breadth twice over. Ultimately, I had no recourse but to have faith in the yellow signs taunting me with the word "Exit" at each lap, even if I distinctly felt like the butt of some cosmic joke.

I did get out of the airport, by the way, so all's well and so on. Welcome to the European Union!

I need a chocolate fix!

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